Management of psychological state comprehensive treatment and recovery program

In present-day conditions, a large number of people work in extreme conditions. The decline in neuro-psychological stability, reduction of overall energy level requires adequate management of disorders of psychological state, strengthening and restoring the adaptation reserves, assessment of the extent of these disorders.

Various life problems, which at first glance are not psycho-traumatic but causing hurt, anger, sadness, envy, desire for revenge, aggression, inability to forgive, concentration on negative thoughts – all of them create psychological stress with all the relevant consequences .

The decision is made by a person before he is aware of it. The person does not know anything about it, believing that he was acting at his/her own discretion. Replicating memories manage what the consciousness conceives. A person behaves, sees, feels, and makes decisions as dictated by the memory. Memories dictate perception.

The goal of the treatment and recovery program is the elimination of the cause-effect relationships of psychological health status with physiological disorders and identification of the leading factors of memories (causes).

The law of cause and effect:


  • Memories, reproduced in the mind (body reaction).


  • Physiological – heart diseases.
  • Physiological – oncological diseases (cancer).
  • Physiological – diabetes.
  • Physiological problems of the body.
  • Problems with the outside world.

In the ‘person – situation’ chain the most significant is the intermediary link, namely, the person’s attitude to the situation (severe stress situation and the person’s ability of developing adequate attitude towards it).

Reactions of the person’s effective response to distress are innate and are governed by the sub-cortical centers, regardless of somatic or psychological nature of the person.

If life circumstances lead to negative physiological effects, it is important to understand the psychological causes and start the hard way of correcting the mind and psychological state as a basis for the physiological health.


Speaking about the psychological stress one should clearly distinguish between concepts such as stress (stress impact) and psychological load, as they are not the same thing.

Stress (or rather the inability to properly resist it) is the triggering mechanism for the formation of psychological load, a sharp weakening of the immune system, and the body’s vulnerability to other negative factors.

In a stressful situation, psychomotor and physical activities always lead to wasting energy and metabolic reserves of the body.

Psychological load is primarily the individual response of the body to a variety of psycho-traumatic factors under the influence of stress.

The presence of even a slight degree of psychological load is marked by varying degrees of the immune system disorders, and for the majority by the exhaustion of the immune system.

The psychological load makes the body vulnerable to the effects of other factors (even under the conditions of regular background radiation, geopathogenic, electromagnetic and radioactive loads can be traced) with the formation of mycotic, viral, bacterial complication and formation of pathology in the body.

In addition to the immune system, important integrative indicators include mesenchymal-metabolic exchange and endocrine regulation.

A vicious circle occurs: immune weakness – resistance to other negative factors – failure of endocrine regulation – disorders of the hypothalamus-pituaitary-adrenal glands system – disorder of the numerous organ and system functions, and as a result – a disorder of the “target organs” function and occurrence of conditions for the persistence of fungi, viruses and bacterial flora.

Acting on viruses, fungi, and bacterial flora is difficult without removing psychological load because there will be no therapeutic effect or a “replacement” of one pathogen by another will take place and exacerbation of the pathological process will occur once again (pathogenic flora becomes more resistant to therapy).

Somatic pathology, called ‘somatic mask’ of the disease and psychological loads are so disguised that even in-depth psychological study cannot always identify the existing problems.

The first step of our Management of Psychological State Program is comprehensive diagnostics, which allows for quick, real-time adjustment of psychosomatic condition of the patient, with simultaneous psychoanalysis session and identification of the key problems of the physical and psychological health of the patient.

Comprehensive diagnostics determines the extent of this reaction, which is expressed by a state of stress or exhaustion of various integrating systems (immune, endocrine) and organs.

The designer technique used by the Center combines the possibilities of comprehensive diagnostic of the vegetative resonance test (VRT) and modern technologies of psychoanalysis.

Our diagnostics allows for clearly identification of the factors that affect the psychological state of the patient:

  • Identification of loads (psycho-emotional, radioactive, geopathogenic and other directed fields of interference).
  • Psychological disorders (determination of the body’s response to various factors that have individual character).
  • Neurosis-like disorders (identifying factor groups: conflicts, internal conflicts).
  • Mental activity disorders (in conjunction with somatic disorders).
  • Psycho-vegetative load level.
  • Depressive disorders.
  • Endogenous disorders.
  • Vegetative neurosis (hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet, cold hands, persistent dermographism).
  • Stress load
  • Signs of cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  • Level of adaptation reserves.
  • Reduction of adaptation reserves
  • Neuroinfections (Epstein-Barr virus, Coxsackie, etc.) occurring in the “erased” state.
  • Study of the endocrine system.
  • Identification of chronic diseases and their causes

It is important not to identify the cause of the disease, but to precisely track all pathogenetic links.

By eliminating the major adverse factor, having analyzed how deep the chronic process is in the body, due to constant persistence of pathogens, it is possible to affect the pathogen with more precision.

Such a comprehensive approach to therapy, taking into account the primary etiological aspects, and considering all the pathogenesis links is the most effective.

Removing psychological load is hard work, which is not done in a day. The aim of this program is to help people to relate to the situation that provokes the psychological load in a new way.

Treatment of such patients is always prolonged and is purely personal.

Recovery program is aimed at a comprehensive management of the human body:

  • Psychological.
  • Physiological.
  • Energy.
  • Metabolic.

Depending on the identified disorders, the doctor chooses a comprehensive, personalized tactics of health recovery.

The basis of the subsequent treatment and recovery program includes designer, non-drug, resonance frequency and endogenous-resonance therapy with the preparation of constitutional medicinal solutions.

The duration of the proposed Management of Psychological State treatment and recovery program is 42 days.

The program involves the patient’s stay at the day hospital of our Health Recovery Center for 1-2 hours daily.

Taking into account the entire spectrum of therapeutic action, we help the patient achieve a better quality of life, better health, as well as social recovery.

Pure thought is the best disinfectant.


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